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Check the box for any operation(s) you want to perform at this time.%s: unable to load driver: %s12 Hour Format24 Hour Format24 hoursADSI error %s.AM/PMAccess Denied.Account InformationAddAdd ContentAdd Here:Add pairAddressAddress BookAdminister - set permissions for other usersAdministrationAlarmAlarmsAliasAllAll Authenticated UsersAll GroupsAll PermissionsAllow setting of ordered list typeAlternate IMSP LoginAlternate IMSP PasswordAlternate IMSP UsernameAn illegal value was specified.ApplicationApplication is ready.AprilAsk for confirmation before doing maintenance operations?Attempt to delete a non-existent permission.Attempt to edit a non-existent permission.AugustAvailable fields:Backend not correctly implemented.BccBirthdayBlock SettingsBlock TypeBothCalendarCancelCancel Problem ReportCategories and LabelsCategoryCcCell PhoneChange PasswordChange password on:Change the name and address that people see when they read and reply to your emails.Change your passwordChanging password on %sCheck the box for any operation(s) you want to perform at this time.Choose Application:Choose how to display dates:Close WindowCollapse SidebarCompanyConfiguration for syncing with PDAs, Smartphones and Outlook.Configuration is out of date.Confirm new password:Could not bind to ldap serverCould not connect to ldap serverCould not open Maintenance_Task module %sCould not open pipe to smbpasswd.CreateCreate FolderCreate a new oneCreator PermissionsCurrent TimeCustomize tasks to run upon logon to %s.DDDailyDateDefault ColorDefault IdentityDeleteDelete selected identityDescribe the ProblemDetails have been logged for the administrator.Display 24-hour times?Display OptionsDo not directly access maintenance.phpDoes the first row contain the field names? If yes, check this box:Download %sDynamic MailEditEdit BlockEdit options for:EmailEmpty result.ErrorError sending data to smbpasswd.Every 15 minutesEvery 2 minutesEvery 30 secondsEvery 5 minutesEvery LoginEvery half hourEvery minuteExample values:ExpandFailed to connect to LDAP server.Failed to verify old password.Failure in changing password on %s: %sFaxFebruaryFile ManagerFiltersFull DescriptionGlobal OptionsGoGoogle SearchGoogle search is not enabled.GroupsGuest PermissionsHeadersHelpHemisphereHere is the beginning of the file:Ho_meHome AddressHome PhoneHordeIcons OnlyIcons with textIdentity's name:Import, Step %dImported field: %sImported fields:Incorrect PasswordIndividual UsersInsertion of images from Photo Galleries in textJanuaryJulyKey LengthLa_youtLanguageLast login: %sLast login: %s from %sLast login: NeverLayoutListLocale and TimeLocationLog inLog outLoginLogin TasksLowMMMailManage the list of categories you have to label items with, and colors associated with those categories.MediumMenu mode:MessageMinimum password age has not yet expiredMondayMonthlyMoon PhasesMove DownMove LeftMove RightMove UpMove downMove upMy AccountMy Account InformationNameNeverNew CategoryNew password:NewsNextNext optionsNoNo such backend '%s' found.No valuesNoneNorthern HemisphereNotesOKOctoberOld password:OptionsOptions for %sOrganizingOther InformationPGP Public KeyPasswd is not properly configured.PasswordPassword changed on %s.Password module can't find the supplied bin.Password module is missing required parameters.Password module is missing target parameter.Password module is not properly configuredPassword module is not properly configured.Password:Password: Perform Maintenance OperationsPerform maintenance operations on login?PermissionPermissionsPersonal InformationPhonePlease enter a name for the new category:Please provide a new passwordPlease provide a summary of the problem.Please provide your current passwordPlease provide your username and passwordPlease verify your new passwordPrevious optionsProblemProblem DescriptionReadRefreshRefresh Dynamic Menu Elements:Refresh Portal View:Remote ServersRemote URL (http://www.example.com/horde):RemoveRemove pairReply-ToRequired 'drivers' is misconfigured in Composite configuration.Required 'phptype' not specified in Passwd SQL configuration.Required 'phptype' not specified in SQL configuration.ResetReturn to OptionsRich Text Editor OptionsRight click context menuRoleSaveSave OptionsSearchSearch:Select a serverSelect allSelect editor pluginsSelect noneSelect the date delimiter:Select the date format:Select the identity you want to change:Select the time format:Select your color scheme.Select your preferred language:Send Problem ReportSet up remote servers that you want to access from your portal.Set your preferred language, timezone and date options.Set your startup application, color scheme, page refreshing, and other display options.SetupShort SummaryShould access keys be defined for most links?ShowShow last login time when logging in?Show the %s Menu on the left?ShrinkSizeSkip MaintenanceSouthern HemisphereSpecial Character InputSpecial charactersStatusSubjectSubmitSuccessSuccessfully saved the backup configuration file %s.Successfully wrote %sSundaySunrise/SunsetTable operations menu barTasksText OnlyThe server "%s" has been deleted.The server "%s" has been saved.There are no options available.There are no parts that can be displayed inline.There was an error displaying this message partThis number must be at least one.This value must be a number.TicketsTime formatTitleToTo select multiple items, hold down the Control (PC) or Command (Mac) key while clicking.URLUnable to connect to SQL server.Unable to load the definition of %s.Unable to translate this Word documentUndo ChangesUnfiledUnknownUpdateUse if name/password is different for IMSP server.UserUser OptionsUser not foundUser not found.UsernameUsername:Username: View %sView an external web pageWarningWeeklyWelcome to %sWelcome, %sWhat application should %s display after login?Which day would you like to be displayed as the first day of the week?Which phasesWhich plugins to enable for the Rich Text editor.Width of the %s menu on the left (takes effect on next log-in):Work AddressWork PhoneYYYearlyYesYou can't change password for user %sYou have been logged out.You must describe the problem before you can send the problem report.You must give your current passwordYou must give your new passwordYou must verify your new passwordYour %s session has expired. Please login again.Your Email AddressYour From: address:Your InformationYour NameYour current time zone:Your default identity:Your full name:Your new password is too long; passwords may not be more than %d characters long!Your new password is too simple to guess! Not changed!Your new password is too simple to guess. Not changed!Your new password must be at least %d characters long!Your new password must be different from your current passwordYour new password must contain at least %d alphabetic characters.Your new password must contain at least %d alphanumeric characters.Your new password must contain at least %d lowercase characters.Your new password must contain at least %d numeric characters.Your new password must contain at least %d uppercase characters.Your new password must contain less than %d whitespace characters.Your new password must not contain whitespace characters.Your new passwords didn't matchYour options have been updated.Your passwords do not matchYour remote servers:[Problem Report]_Administration_Groups_Home_Log out_Options_Permissions_Setup_Usersldap_start_tls failedunnamedvCardProject-Id-Version: Passwd H3 (3.0-cvs) Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: dev@lists.horde.org POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-22 23:11+0900 PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-22 16:40+0000 Last-Translator: Illya Belov Language-Team: i18n@lists.horde.org MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CP1251 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2); %s , . %s - %s %s , . (), .%s: : %s12-24-24 ADSI %sAM/PM : - ISMP: ISMP: . ? :Backend Bcc : Cc : , , . %s (), . : : , MS Outlook : ldap . ldap . Maintenance_Task %s pipe smbpasswd. , %s . 24- ? maintenance.php ? , : %sdIMP : Email . smbpasswd. 15 2 30 5 : LDAP. %s: %s : Google Google : :, %d : %s : : %s : %s %s : backend %s - - OK : : %s PGPPasswd %sPasswd Passwd . Passwd . Passwd Passwd ? : , . , ? : : ( http://mail.ru) : (Composite) 'phptype' Passwd SQL 'phptype' SQL : : : : : , . , . , : ? ? %s ? : %s : %s / %s %s . . . , CtrlURL SQL %s. Word . / IMSP : %s - %s , %s : ? %s ( ) %s . , . %s . , . Email: : : : : ; %d ! ! %d %d %d %d %d %d . %d . . :[ ]ldap_start_tls vCard