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R53-e{ <->x aX^bF$yD11L*]Yu G Af3 (%s days ago) (Accesskey %s) (in %s days) (today) (tomorrow) (yesterday) and at or"%s" is not a directory."%s" is not a valid choice."%s" is not configured in the Horde Registry."%s" tree renderer not found."%s" was added to the groups system."%s" was added to the permissions system."%s" was not created: %s.%.2fMB used of %.2fMB allowed (%.2f%%)%d %s and %s%d days until your password expires.%d-day forecast%s - Notice%s Fingerprint%s KB%s Maintenance Operations - Confirmation%s Setup%s Sign Up%s Terms of Agreement%s already exists.%s at %s %s%s is ready to perform the maintenance operations checked below. Check the box for any operation(s) you want to perform at this time.%s is required%s minutes%s not found.%s to %s of %s%s's Address Book%s's Calendar%s's Notepad%s's Tasklist%s: %s%s: This message may not be from whom it claims to be. Beware of following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal information., gusting , gusting %s %s, variable from %s to %s-- select --12 Hour Format24 Hour Format24 hoursNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNightNiueNoNo "%s" element found in backend configuration.No available configuration data to show differences for.No available strategy for making ISO images.No backend configured for this hostNo backends configured in backends.phpNo batch template.No block exists at the requested positionNo calendar name provided for MCAL authentication.No change.No children can be added to this permission.No configuration information specified for %s.No configuration information specified for FTP VFS.No configuration information specified for SQL VFS.No configuration information specified for SQL-File VFS.No credit left.No destination supplied.No file uploadedNo filters. Click "%s" to create a new filter.No headers specifiedNo icons found.No location is set.No location provided.No message supplied.No name specified.No number specified.No password provided for HTTP authentication.No password provided for IMAP authentication.No password provided for Kerberos authentication.No password provided for Login authentication.No password provided for PASSWD authentication.No password provided for SMB authentication.No path to the OpenSSL binary provided. The OpenSSL binary is necessary to work with PKCS 12 data.No pending signups.No quota set.No rulesNo script generated.No separator specified.No sidesNo strings specifiedNo such fileNo temporary directory available for cache.No username and/or password sent.No valid XML data returnedNo valuesNo version found in original configuration. Regenerate configuration.No version found in your configuration. Regenerate configuration.NoneNone (use implicit)Nordic (ISO-8859-10)Norfolk IslandNorthern HemisphereNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayNot AfterNot BeforeNot a directoryNot equal toNot implemented.Not setNot supported.NotesNothing to browse, go back.Notify email addressNovemberNumberNumber of charactersNumber of columnsNumber of rowsNumbers not specified for updating in distribution list.OKObjectObject CreatorOctalOctoberOfficeOld and new passwords must be different.Old passwordOld password is not correct.OmanOnly IMAP servers support shared folders.Only flag the messageOnly one email address allowed.Only the owner or system administrator may change ownership or owner permissions for a shareOpen in a new windowOpenSSL error: Could not extract data from signed S/MIME part.Opens this link in a new windowOperating SystemOptionsOptions about script updating.Options for %sOrdered ListOrganisationOrganisational UnitOrganizingOriginal application templateOriginal templates in %s:OtherOther InformationOther OptionsOverviewOwner PermissionsPAM authentication is not available.PEAR::Mail backendPGP Digital SignaturePGP Encrypted DataPGP Public KeyPGP Signed/Encrypted DataPHP CodePHP ShellPM Light RainPM RainPM ShowersPM SnowPM Snow ShowersPM SunPM T-StormsPOSIX extension is missingP_HP ShellPaddingPakistanPalauPalestinian Territory, OccupiedPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayPartly CloudyPasswordPassword changed successfully.Password incorrectPassword required for RADIUS authentication.Password with confirmationPassword:Password: Passwords must match.PastePaste from clipboardPathPending Signups:PeoplePercentPerform Maintenance OperationsPerform maintenance operations on login?PermissionPermission "%s" not deleted.Permission DeniedPermissionsPermissions AdministrationPersonal InformationPeruPetsPhilippinesPhonePhotosPitcairnPixelsPlease click into some cellPlease confirm that you want to remove this element:Please confirm that you want to unlink this element.Please enter a month and a year.Please enter a name for the new category:Please enter a valid IP address.Please enter a valid date, check the number of days in the month.Please enter a valid time.Please enter the name of the new folder:Please provide a summary of the problem.Please provide your username and passwordPlease read the following text. You MUST agree with the terms to use the system.Please type the new category name:PolandPoliticsPollsPortugalPositioning of this imagePositioning of this tablePost to this folder (not enforced by IMAP)Precipitation for last %s hour(s): Precipitation
chancePrefs_ldap: Required LDAP extension not found.Prefs_session: Required session extension not found.PressurePressure at sea level: Pressure: PreviewPreview the image in a new windowPrevious optionsPrint documentPrivate KeyProblemProblem DescriptionProjectsPrompt textPublic KeyPublic Key AlgorithmPublic Key InfoPublic/Private keypair not generated successfully.Puerto RicoPurge messagesQatarQueryQuotaRSA Public Key (%d bit)R_easonRadio selectionRainRain EarlyRain LateRain ShowerRain and SnowRain to SnowRandom FortuneRatioReadRead messagesReally delete %s? This operation cannot be undone.Really remove user data for user %s? This operation cannot be undone.ReceivedRedirect toRedoes your last actionRefreshRefresh Dynamic Menu Elements:Refresh Portal View:RegexRegular expressionReject with reasonRelationship BrowserReloadRemarksRemote ServersRemote URL (http://www.example.com/horde):RemoveRemove BlockRemove columnRemove formattingRemove pairRemove saved script from server's temporary directory.Remove theRemove this node from the documentRemove userRemove user: %sRequest couldn't be answered. Returned errorcode: Requested service could not be found.Required "%s" not specified in %s configuration.Required "%s" not specified in VFS configuration.Required "%s" not specified in configuration.Required FieldResent ToResent-fromResetReset PasswordReset Your PasswordRestore Last QueryResultsReturn to Filters ListReturn to OptionsReturn to Rules ListRetype new passwordReunionRevert ConfigurationRich Text Editor OptionsRiddlesRightRight headerRight valuesRo_w Properties...RoleRomaniaRotate 180Rotate LeftRotate RightRow PropertiesRow propertiesRows:RuleRule CopiedRule DeletedRule DisabledRule EnabledRule NameRule:RulesRules will appear between all rows and columnsRules will appear between columns onlyRules will appear between rows onlyRunRussian FederationRwandaS/MIME Cryptographic SignatureS/MIME Encrypted MessageSASL authentication is not available.SMS MessagingSQL ShellSSHSTARTTLS failed: (%s) %sSUCCESSS_QL ShellSaSaint HelenaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSame frame (_self)SamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSatellite ProviderSaudi ArabiaSaveSave "%s"Save %sSave OptionsSave SettingsSave generated configuration as a PHP script to your server's temporary directory.Saved %s configuration.Saved setup upgrade script to: "%s".Scattered T-StormsScienceScriptScript UpdatingScript not updated.Script successfully activated.Script successfully deactivated.SearchSearch EnginesSeenSelect FilesSelect a dateSelect a fieldSelect a group to addSelect a new ownerSelect a serverSelect a user to addSelect allSelect all date components.Select an objectSelect noneSelect target folderSelect the characters you need from the boxes below. You can then copy and paste them from the text area.Select the date and time format:Select the date delimiter:Select the date format:Select the day and time order:Select the identity you want to change:Select the time delimiter:Select the time format:Select two matching fields.Select your color scheme.Select your preferred language:Self-Defined HeaderSend Problem ReportSend SMSSenderSenegalSensor: SeptemberSerbia and MontenegroSerial NumberServer data wrong or not available.Session AdminSession ID expired.SessionsSetSet options to allow you to reset your password if you ever forget it.Set up remote servers that you want to access from your portal.Set your preferred language, timezone and date options.Set your startup application, color scheme, page refreshing, and other display options.Settings successfully updated.SetupSetup upgrade scripts availableSeveral locations possible with the parameter: SeychellesShoppingShort SummaryShould access keys be defined for most links?ShowShow Active ScriptShow Current ScriptShow differences between currently saved and the newly generated configuration.Show last login time when logging in?Show option to keep originalShow pickerShow table operations menu bar?Show the %s Menu on the left?Show the Table Cell Properties dialogShow the Table Properties dialogShow the Table Row Properties dialogShow the image properties dialogShow uploadShowersShowers EarlyShowers LateShowers in the VicinityShrinkSierra LeoneSign upSignatureSignature AlgorithmSingaporeSizeSkip MaintenanceSlovakiaSloveniaSnowSnow ShowerSnow ShowersSnow Showers EarlySnow Showers LateSnow depth: Solomon IslandsSomaliaSongs & PoemsSort order selectionSource addressSouth AfricaSouth European (ISO-8859-3)South Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSouthern HemisphereSpacerSpacingSpacing and paddingSpainSpamSpecial Character InputSplit cellSplit columnSplit rowSportsSri LankaStandardStar TrekStart yearState or ProvinceStatusStop checking if this rule matches?Storage formatStreet AddressStrikethroughString listStrip domain from the addressStyle [CSS]SuSubdirectory "%s" not found.Subje_ct of vacation message:SubjectSubject:SubmitSubmitted request to add "%s" to the system. You cannot log in until your request has been approved.SubscriptSuccessSuccessfully added "%s" to the system.Successfully cleared data for user "%s" from the system.Successfully deleted "%s".Successfully removed "%s" from the system.Successfully reverted configuration. Reload to see changes.Successfully saved backup configuration.Successfully saved the backup configuration file %s.Successfully updated "%s"Successfully wrote %sSudanSummarySun RiseSun SetSunnySunriseSunrise/SunsetSunrise: SunsetSunset: SuperscriptSupportSurinameSurnameSvalbard and Jan MayenSwazilandSwedenSwitzerlandSync log deletedSyntax error in search termsSyrian Arab RepublicT-StormT-Storm and WindyT-StormsT-Storms EarlyTSV fileTable PropertiesTable propertiesTaiwanTaiwan, Province of ChinaTajikistanTanzania, United Republic ofTarget:TasksTelephone NumberTemp for last hour: TemperatureTemperature: Temperature
(%sHi%s/%sLo%s) °%sTemplate "%s" not found.Template AdministrationTextText OnlyText alignTexttopThThai (TIS-620)ThailandThe FTP extension is not available.The History system is disabled.The Horde/Kolab integration engine does not support "%s"The IMSP log could not be initialized.The Maintenance:: class did not load successfullyThe Options window has closed. Exiting.The address "%s" has been added to your blacklist.The address "%s" has been added to your whitelist.The administrator needs to configure a permanent Permissions backend if you want to use Permissions.The bottom side onlyThe contact ID number was not specified, left blank or was not found in the database.The contact was successfully added to your address book.The detached PGP signature block is required to verify the signed message.The distribution list ID was either not specified, left blank or not found in the database.The distribution list was not specified.The driver said: The encryption features require a secure web connection.The file %s should contain a %s setting.The file %s should contain some %s settings.The file contained no data.The following are the headers for this message/rfc822 message.The identity "%s" has been deleted.The left-hand side onlyThe location of the GnuPG binary must be given to the Crypt_pgp:: class.The message sent on %s to %s with subject "%s" has been displayed. This is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood.The name to use when linking to the compose pageThe number of fields must be numeric.The openssl module is required for the Horde_Crypt_smime:: class.The preference "%s" could not be saved because its data exceeded the maximum allowable sizeThe program used to view this data type (%s) was not found on the system.The quote character must be one single character.The right and left sides onlyThe right-hand side onlyThe separator must be one single character.The server "%s" has been deleted.The server "%s" has been saved.The signup request for %s has been removed.The specified row (%d) does not exist.The temporary file "%s" does not exist.The text you entered did not match the text on the screen.The top and bottom sides onlyThe top side onlyThe uploaded data was lost since the previous step.The uploaded file could not be saved.The weather.com block is not available.Themes directory "%s" not found.There are no options available.There are no parts that can be displayed inline.There are too many characters in this field. You have entered %s characters; you must enter less than %s.There was a problem adding "%s" to the system: %sThere was a problem clearing data for user "%s" from the system: There was a problem removing "%s" from the system: There was a problem updating "%s": %sThere was a problem with the file upload: No %s was uploaded.There was a problem with the file upload: The %s was larger than the maximum allowed size (%d bytes).There was a problem with the file upload: The %s was only partially uploaded.There was an error activating the script.There was an error deactivating the script.There was an error displaying this message partThere was an error importing the contact data.There was an error importing the iCalendar data.There was an error in the configuration form. Perhaps you left out a required field.There was an error performing the specified address book function. Please try again later.There was an error updating the contact details. Please try again later.There was an error updating the distribution list. Please try again later.This IMAP server does not support sharing folders.This does not appear to be a valid rar archive.This does not appear to be a valid zip file.This does not seem to be a valid card number.This driver allows sending of messages through the Clickatell (http://clickatell.com) gateway, using the HTTP APIThis driver allows sending of messages through the WIN (http://winplc.com) gateway, using the HTTP APIThis driver allows sending of messages through the sms2email (http://sms2email.com) gateway, using the HTTP APIThis driver allows sending of messages via SMTP through the Vodafone Italy gateway, only to Vodafone numbers. It requires an email account with Vodafone Italy (http://www.190.it).This field is required.This field may only contain integers.This field may only contain numbers and the colon.This field may only contain octal values.This field must be a comma or space separated list of integersThis field must be a valid number.This field must contain a color code in the RGB Hex format, for example '#1234af'.This form has already been processed.This is %s.This is a Kolab Groupware object. To view this object you will need an email client that understands the Kolab Groupware format. For a list of such email clients please visit %sThis message was written in a character set (%s) other than your own.This number must be at least one.This server can't uncompress zip and gzip files.This system is currently deactivated.This value must be a number.This window must be called from an Options windowThunderTicketsTimeTime TrackingTime formatTime selectionTimor-LesteTitleTitle (tooltip):ToTo select multiple items, hold down the Control (PC) or Command (Mac) key while clicking.To:TodayToggle HTML SourceTogoTokelauTomorrowTongaToo many invalid logins during the last minutes.TopTop frame (_top)Trinidad and TobagoTrue or falseTuTunisiaTurkeyTurkish (ISO-8859-9)TurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluType your choice: U.V. index: URLURL:UgandaUkraineUnable to access VFS directory.Unable to add extra user information when signing up.Unable to change permission for VFS file "%s".Unable to change permission for VFS file %s/%s.Unable to change to %s.Unable to check file size of "%s".Unable to check file size of "%s/%s".Unable to connect to SQL server.Unable to connect with SSL.Unable to copy VFS file.Unable to create VFS directory "%s".Unable to create VFS directory.Unable to create VFS file.Unable to create VFS folder "%s".Unable to create empty VFS file.Unable to decompress data.Unable to delete "%s", the directory is not empty.Unable to delete "%s": %s.Unable to delete %s, the directory is not emptyUnable to delete VFS directory recursively.Unable to delete VFS directory.Unable to delete VFS directory: %s.Unable to delete VFS file "%s".Unable to delete VFS file.Unable to delete VFS folder "%s".Unable to delete VFS recursively: %s.Unable to determine current directory.Unable to extract certificate detailsUnable to load the definition of %s.Unable to move VFS file.Unable to open VFS file "%s".Unable to open VFS file for writing.Unable to open VFS file.Unable to open compressed archive.Unable to read VFS file (filesize() failed).Unable to read VFS file (size() failed).Unable to read file: Unable to read the vfsroot directory.Unable to rename %s to %s: destination folder already existsUnable to rename VFS directory.Unable to rename VFS directory: %s.Unable to rename VFS file "%s".Unable to rename VFS file %s/%s.Unable to rename VFS file.Unable to run 'mkisofs'.Unable to translate this Word documentUnable to write VFS file "%s".Unable to write VFS file (copy() failed).Unable to write VFS file data.Unable to write VFS file, quota will be exceeded.UnderlineUndo ChangesUndoes your last actionUnexpected response from server on connection: Unexpected response from server to: UnfiledUnicode (UTF-8)United Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUnitsUnknownUnknown apimsgid (API Message ID).Unknown climsgid (Client Message ID).Unknown location provided.Unknown username or password.Unlink the current elementUnnamedUnprivileged scripts cannot access Cut/Copy/Paste programatically for security reasons. Click OK to see a technical note at mozilla.org which shows you how to allow a script to access the clipboard.Unset colorUnsupported ExtensionUpdateUpdate %sUpdate userUpdated "%s".Upgrade script deleted.UploadUploaded all application setup files to the server.Upper latin lettersUpper roman numbersUruguayUse Current: %sUse SSLUse if name/password is different for IMSP server.UserUser %s is not authorised for %s.User AdministrationUser OptionsUser RegistrationUser Registration has been disabled for this site.User account not foundUsernameUsername "%s" already exists.Username:Username: Users in the system:UzbekistanVFS directory does not exist.VacationVacation EditVacation is not supported in the current filtering driver.Valid locations found include: ValidityValue in minutes from now.ValuesValues to select fromVanuatuVariableVenezuelaVerification failed - this message may have been tampered with.VersionVersion ControlVertical alignVertical paddingVertical:Very HighViet NamVietnamese (VISCII)View %sView an external web pageView as %sVirgin Islands, BritishVirgin Islands, U.S.VisibilityVisibility: Vodafone Italy via SMTPWARNWARNING!!! REMOVE SCRIPT MANUALLY FROM %s.WIN via HTTPWallis and FutunaWarningWeWeather ForecastWeather data provided byWeather.comWebWeb SiteWeeklyWelcomeWelcome to %sWelcome, %sWestern (ISO-8859-1)Western (ISO-8859-15)Western SaharaWh_itelist addresses:What application should %s display after login?What is the delimiter character?What is the quote character?Whereis Australia mapWhich phasesWhich plugins to enable for the Rich Text editor.WhitelistWhitelist EditWhitelist is not supported in the current filtering driver.Whitelisted AddressesWidthWidth in CSS unitsWidth of the %s menu on the left (takes effect on next log-in):Width of the tableWidth unitWidth:WikiWindWind EarlyWind speed in knotsWind:Wind: WisdomWishlistWorkWork AddressWork PhoneWrong number of fields in line %d. Expected %d, found %d.Wrong number of fields. Expected %d, found %d.X-PriorityX-Spam-LevelX-Spam-ScoreX-Spam-StatusX509v3 Extended Key UsageX509v3 Subject Alternative NameX509v3 Subject Key IdentifierX509v3 extensionsYYYYYYYahoo! mapYearlyYemenYesYes, I AgreeYou are in TEXT MODE. Use the [<>] button to switch back to WYSIWYG.You are not allowed to create more than %d blocks.You are not allowed to create more than %d rules.You are not allowed to create or edit custom rules.You are not authenticated.You cannot have the '\' character in your full name.You did not enter a valid email address.You didn't map any fields from the imported file to the corresponding fields in %s.You have been logged out.You have received a new messageYou have to enter a valid cellphone number, digits only with an optional '+' for the international dialing prefix.You have to enter a valid value.You must configure a DataTree backend to use Signups.You must configure a VFS backend.You must describe the problem before you can send the problem report.You must enter the URL where this link points toYou must select an server to be deleted.You must specify a username to clear out.You must specify a username to remove.You must specify at least one email address for which the vacation messages should be activated.You must specify the username to add.You must specify the username to update.You must specify what action to perform.You must type a new category name.You need to provide an Italian phone numberYour %s session has expired. Please login again.Your Email AddressYour From: address:Your InformationYour Internet Address has changed since the beginning of your %s session. To protect your security, you must login again.Your NameYour authentication backend does not support adding users. If you wish to use Horde to administer user accounts, you must use a different authentication backend.Your authentication backend does not support listing users, or the feature has been disabled for some other reason.Your browser appears to have changed since the beginning of your %s session. To protect your security, you must login again.Your browser does not support this feature.Your browser does not support this print option. Press Control/Command + P to print.Your current time zone:Your default identity has been changed.Your default identity:Your full name:Your login has expired.Your new password for %s is: %sYour options have been updated for the duration of this session.Your options have been updated.Your password has been resetYour password has been reset, check your email and log in with your new password.Your password has expired.Your remote servers:YugoslaviaZaireZambiaZimbabwe[Hide Quoted Text][No Subject][Problem Report][Show Quoted Text -[Show Quoted Text - %s lines][line %s of %s]_Address(es) to forward to:_Addresses to not send responses to:_Administration_Blacklist_CLI_DataTree_Delete Row_Delete message completely_Enter each address on a new line:_Forward_Groups_Image Properties..._Keep a copy of messages in this account?_Log in_Log out_Modify Link..._Move message to folder:_My email addresses:_Options_Permissions_Remove Link..._Script_Setup_Table Properties..._Users_Vacation_Whitelistactiveaddress bookaddressee unknownandcalendarcannot create output filecannot open inputclick herecommand line usage errorconfiguration errorcritical system file missingdata format errordisabled - click to enableeditentry not foundfieldfilefrom the %s (%s) at %s %sgustingh:hhhost name unknownimmediateinactiveinlineinput/output errorinternal software errorlines]maildrop script generated by Ingomatchmmnamenot implementednot yet implementednotepadorpercentpermission deniedpixelsprocmail script generated by Ingoremote error in protocolrisingservice unavailableshow differencessms2email via HTTPsssteadysystem errortask listtemporary failuretype the password twice to confirmunifiedunnameduser selectvCardw:weather.comProject-Id-Version: ingo-0.1 cvs Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: dev@lists.horde.org POT-Creation-Date: 2006-07-11 14:22+0800 PO-Revision-Date: 2003-02-11 07:53+0800 Last-Translator: David Chang Language-Team: Traditional Chinese MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=BIG5 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit (%s ѫe) (ֱ %s) (%s Ѥ) () () (Q) ӥB Ϊ"%s" O@ӥؿ"%s" O@ӦĪ."%s" |b HORDE U(Registry)]w.䤣 "%s" tree renderer."%s"w\[JsըtΤ."%s"w[Jvt."%s"åإ: %s.wϥ %.2fMB ,eq %.2fMB ,Ѿl (%.2f%%)%d %s H %s̪@KXܧ %d ѫe.̪ %d ѮHw%s - Ƨѿ%s %s KB%s @ާ@ - T{%s ]w%s U%s PN%s wsb%s b %s %s%s wNUCƶ@ާ@N. 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A{biHinJF.sWϥΪ̪\ثeQ.ia}qT޲z - LϥΪ̳]wv޲zsiAfghanistan (I)Albania (ڥ)Algeria (ΧQ)lOW覡:ҦҦwҪϥΪҦsҦv~ؽuҦUC\Wh\nXӹqlla}\ܧ󶵥ؽsA?wsbܧ IMSP nJܧ IMSP KXܧ IMSP ϥΪܧqll}ܧ˪ONrAmerican Samoa (Rļ)@ӵLĪȳQϥ.oͤF@ӥ~.Andorra (wD)Angola (w)Anguilla (wcԮq)ΦWNzsw^Antarctica (nj)Antigua and Barbuda (wʮqΤںFq)UCε{ε{Mε{wNMΫHLoMΨҦ@wjp|ԧB (Windows-1256)YɤjpYɦWATwnRoӳWh?ATwnR %s U ?ATwnR "%s" HΥ󪺦s ?Argentina (ڧ)Armenia (Ȭ)ȬȤ (ARMSCII-8)NAruba (|ڮq)Ascension IslandrNȬw/ӥvaާ@@eܽT{?t|էR@Ӥsbs.|էR@Ӥsbv.|սs@Ӥsbs.|սs@Ӥsb@.ݩKAustralia (DjQ)Austria (aQ)Auth_crysql: 䤣һݭn imap M.Auth_cyrus: AݨåѸӶ䴩.Auth_cryus: 䤣һݭn imap M.Auth_ftp: 䤣һݭn FTP M.ЭssĶ PHP åB[J --enable-ftp ﶵ,Ҧp configure --enable-ftpAuth_imap: 䤣һݭn IMAP M.Auth_krb5: 䤣һݭn krb5 M.Auth_ldap: sWϥΪ̳o\ثeä䴩ؿAAuth_ldap: RϥΪ̳o\ثeä䴩ؿAAuth_ldap: 䤣һݭn LDAP M.Auth_ldap: LksWϥΪ %s. 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A^: Group_ldap: LkRs %sGroup_ldap: Lkss %ssGuadeloupe (w)Guam (q)Guatemala (ʦa)殦qӻvXȯdGuinea (X)Guinea-Bissau (XȤ@M)Guyana (\Ȩ)Wsy䤣 HTTP .Haiti (a)-tGYYHeard Island and McDonald IslandsjpBƧBӤ (ISO-8859-8-I)s边ϥλbyo̬Oɮת}l:a_mHoly See (ͩ)aa}aؿaqHonduras (Դ)Hong Kong ()Horde/Kolab: l %2$s JLĪ %1$s XMLHorde/Kolab: LlAX %sHorde/Kolab: l %2$s 䤣쪫󫬺A %1$sHorde/Kolab: w\ %s "%s"Horde/Kolab: Xu{ݭn 'domxml' PHP Horde/Kolab: Lkإ %s XML Horde/Kolab: Lk %s "%s": %sHorde/Kolab: Lk %s A MIME ѧOXHorde/Kolab: LkPB %s "%s": %sHorde/Kolab: LkPB: %sHorde/Kolab: "%s"uԥR:Ap즹 ? 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