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If yes, check this box:DownloadDownload %sEditEdit %sEdit Permissions for %sEdit options for:Element...EmEmailEmoticonsEmpty result.Enable %sEnabledEnlarge EditorEnter the image URL hereErrorEvery 15 minutesEvery 30 secondsEvery 5 minutesEvery LoginEvery half hourEvery minuteExample values:Existing RulesExistsExpand SidebarFG ColorFailed retrieving preferences.Failed to connect to LDAP server.FaxFebruaryFile ManagerFilter All MessagesFilter Only Seen MessagesFilter Only Unseen MessagesFilter OptionsFilter RuleFilter RulesFilter _RulesFilter not found.FiltersFont ColorForwardForwardsForwards EditFramesFromGermanyGoHeightHelpHelp using editorHere is the beginning of the file:Home AddressHome PhoneHordeHorizontal RuleHorizontal paddingHorizontal:How many columns would you like to merge?How many fields (columns) are there?How many rows would you like to merge?I_nsert Row BeforeIcons OnlyIcons with textIdentity's name:Image Preview:Image URLImage URL:ImportantImported field: %sImported fields:In_sert Row AfterIncrease IndentInsert C_olumn AfterInsert ImageInsert TableInsert Web LinkInsert _Column BeforeInsert a new column after the current oneInsert a new column before the current oneInsert a new row after the current oneInsert a new row before the current oneInsert a paragraph after the current nodeInsert a paragraph before the current nodeInsert cell afterInsert cell beforeInsert column afterInsert column beforeInsert paragraph afterInsert paragraph beforeInsert row afterInsert row beforeInsert/Modify ImageInsert/Modify LinkItalicJanuaryJapanJapanese (ISO-2022-JP)JulyJuneJustifyJustify CenterJustify FullJustify LeftJustify RightKorea, Republic ofKorean (EUC-KR)LanguageLast login: %sLast login: %s from %sLast login: NeverLayoutLeftList Help TopicsListing users is disabled.Log inLog outLogin TasksLower greek lettersLower latin lettersLower roman numbersMMMailMake lin_k...Mar_k message as deletedMarchMarginMatching fieldsMayMenu mode:Merge cellsMessageMiddleModify URLMonthlyMoveMove DownMove Rule DownMove Rule UpMove UpNameNetworkNeverNew RuleNew window (_blank)NextNoNo configuration information specified for FTP VFS.No configuration information specified for SQL VFS.No configuration information specified for SQL-File VFS.NoneNotesNovemberNumber of columnsNumber of rowsOctoberOpens this link in a new windowOptionsOptions for %sOrdered ListOrganisationOtherOther InformationOther OptionsPaddingPasswordPasswords must match.PastePaste from clipboardPathPercentPerform Maintenance OperationsPersonal InformationPhonePixelsPlease enter the name of the new folder:Please provide a summary of the problem.Please provide your username and passwordPreviewPreview the image in a new windowPrint documentProblem DescriptionRedoes your last actionRemove pairResetReturn to Filters ListReturn to OptionsReturn to Rules ListRightRo_w Properties...RoleRow PropertiesRow propertiesRows:RuleRule CopiedRule DeletedRule DisabledRule EnabledRule NameSame frame (_self)SaveSave OptionsSave SettingsSearchSeenSelect a fieldSelect target folderSelect the characters you need from the boxes below. You can then copy and paste them from the text area.Select the date delimiter:Select the date format:Select the time format:Select two matching fields.Select your preferred language:Send Problem ReportSeptemberSettings successfully updated.Show the Table Cell Properties dialogShow the Table Properties dialogShow the Table Row Properties dialogShow the image properties dialogSizeSkip MaintenanceSpace between adjacent cellsSpace between content and border in cellSpacingSpacing and paddingSpecial Character InputSplit cellSplit columnSplit rowStrikethroughStyle [CSS]SubjectSubmitSubscriptSuccessSummarySuperscriptTable PropertiesTable propertiesTasksTextText OnlyText alignThank you for using the system.The file contained no data.The following are the headers for this message/rfc822 message.The identity "%s" has been deleted.There are no options available.There was a problem with the file upload: No %s was uploaded.This number must be at least one.This value must be a number.TitleTitle (tooltip):ToToggle HTML SourceTopTop frame (_top)URLUnable to change permission for VFS file %s/%s.Unable to connect to SQL server.Unable to load the definition of %s.Unable to read the vfsroot directory.Unable to rename VFS file %s/%s.Unable to translate this Word documentUnderlineUndo ChangesUndoes your last actionUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnlink the current elementUnnamedUnset colorUpper latin lettersUpper roman numbersUser OptionsUsernameUsers in the system:Vertical alignVertical paddingView %sWarningWeeklyWelcomeWelcome to %sWelcome, %sWh_itelist addresses:What is the delimiter character?What is the quote character?WhitelistWhitelist EditWhitelisted AddressesWidthWidth of the tableWidth unitWidth:Work AddressWork PhoneYYYearlyYesYou are in TEXT MODE. Use the [<>] button to switch back to WYSIWYG.You have been logged out.You must describe the problem before you can send the problem report.You must enter the URL where this link points toYou must specify a username to remove.You must specify the username to add.Your %s session has expired. Please login again.Your Email AddressYour From: address:Your InformationYour NameYour authentication backend does not support listing users, or the feature has been disabled for some other reason.Your browser does not support this feature.Your current time zone:Your default identity:Your full name:Your options have been updated for the duration of this session.Your options have been updated.[Hide Quoted Text][No Subject][Problem Report][Show Quoted Text -[Show Quoted Text - %s lines][line %s of %s]_Administration_Blacklist_Delete Row_Delete message completely_Enter each address on a new line:_Forward_Help_Image Properties..._Log out_Modify Link..._Move message to folder:_My email addresses:_Options_Remove Link..._Table Properties..._Whitelistlines]nameorpercentpixelsunnamedvCardProject-Id-Version: horde 3 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: dev@lists.horde.org POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-18 15:12+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2005-05-08 16:42+0900 Last-Translator: Jinhyok Heo Language-Team: i18n@lists.horde.org MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-KR Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; (Ű %s) () () () ׸ Ǵ%s ۾ - Ȯ"%s" ̹ ֽϴ.24 ð/ ʹŰź ּҿ ߰ο ߰:(pair) ߰ ߰ ߰ ߰ ּּҷ̾: 4 ü ߸ ڰ ֽϴ. ϳ ̻ ϱ4 Ȯϱ8 ʵ: ۟۟ Űźε ּŰźε ּ βƷȣ Ʈ_e Ӽ...޷ ϱ ĸҹ ޴ Ӽ Ӽ ޴ _kũ ˻...߱ Ʈ MSǽ ױ â ݱʸ ݱ :Comicsȸȣ Ȯ %s%s Maintenance_Task %s ϴ.ũ URL ŸڸڸDD:Ϻ¥_l 12⺻⺻ ĺ %s ޽ ϰ ϱ ϰ ּҷ ̵ : ڸ ϵǾϴ.丮: %sȭ Ͱ ڼ ˸ ޽ ǥմϴ._nũ Ȥ Ʈ ޽ ʴ´maintenance.php .ù° ׸ ̸ ֽϱ? ׷ٸ, ⸦ üũϼ:ޱ%s ޱ '%s'%s û :...em̸̸Ƽ ϱ: %s Ȯ׸ URL Է15 30 5 α30 ź:ϴ ͸ʸ Ȯȯ漳 б .LDAP ѽ2 ޽ ϸ ϸ û ťĢ ťĢ_r ťĢ ã ġ ϴ: ּ ȭȣHorde ä:ġ ׸() ?ġ _nտ ߰ܰ ĺ ̸:׸ ̸:׸ URL׸ URL:߿ ׸: %s ׸:_s ߰鿩_o ߰׸ ߰ǥ ߰ ũ ߰_cտ ߰ ڿ ߰ տ ߰ ڿ ߰ տ ߰ ڿ ܶ ߰ տ ܶ ߰ڿ ߰տ ߰ڿ ߰տ ߰ڿ ܶ ߰տ ܶ ߰ڿ ߰տ ߰׸ ߰/ũ ߰/̱1ϺϺ (ISO-2022-JP)76 ѹαѱ (EUC-KR) α: %s α: %s, ġ: %s α: ̾ƿ .αα׾ƿα ۾׸ ҹƾ ҹθ ҹ MM_kũ ..._k ޽ ǥ3ڸġϴ ׸5޴ ġ޽URL ſ̵Ʒ ̵Ʒ ̵ ̵ ̵̸Ʈũο Ģ â(_blank)ƴϿFTP VFS ϴ.SQL VFS ϴ.SQL-File VFS ϴ. 11 10 â ũ û%s û üŸŸ Ÿ ȣȣ ġ ʽϴ.̱Ŭ忡 ̱ۼƮ ۾ ȭȣȼ\nο ̸ Էϼ:\n Է ּ.̸ ȣ Էϼ̸ â ̸ μ ݺ(pair) Է ưɼ ưĢ Ϸ ư_w Ӽ... 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