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DHid!AYLzOz+:Y.F|txMI{#`emm1Z~<V <oR)jyNcGAK=M39D5m"@ x}? !&">bV*Y(2YtZ O~=X~vc: The mailbox trash is already empty. — %s is ready to perform the maintenance operations checked below. (%s days ago) (Accesskey %s) (in %s days) (today) (tomorrow) (yesterday) and at or%d %s and %s%d-day forecast%s - Notice%s Administration%s Fingerprint%s Maintenance Operations - Confirmation%s Setup%s Sign Up%s Terms of Agreement%s already exists.%s at %s %s%s has cancelled %s.%s has replied to a free/busy request.%s has replied to the invitation to %s.%s has sent you free/busy information.%s is required%s minutes%s requests your free/busy information.%s requests your presence at %s.%s to %s of %s%s wishes to add to %s.%s wishes to make you aware of %s.%s wishes to receive the latest information about %s.%s's Address Book%s's Calendar%s's Notepad%s's Tasklist'%s' is not a valid choice.'%s' is not configured in the Horde Registry.'%s' tree renderer not found.'%s' was added to the groups system.'%s' was added to the permissions system.'%s' was not created: %s., gusting %s %s, variable from %s to %s-- select --12 Hour Format24 Hour Format24 hoursA fatal error has occurred:A fatal error has occurredA public PGP key is required to encrypt a message.A public PGP key is required to verify a signed message.A public PGP key, private PGP key, and passphrase are required to decrypt a message.A public PGP key, private PGP key, and passphrase are required to sign a message.A public S/MIME key, private S/MIME key, and passphrase are required to decrypt a message.A public S/MIME key, private S/MIME key, and passphrase are required to sign a message.A public SMIME key is required to encrypt a message.AM/PMAbout this editorAbout...AbsbottomAbsmiddleAccept requestAcceptedAccess denied creating VFS directory.Access denied creating VFS file.Account PasswordAccount frozen.AccountingAction for blacklisted addresses:ActionsActivate ScriptAddAdd Child GroupAdd Child PermissionAdd Here:Add New GroupAdd New PermissionAdd a child group to '%s'Add a child permission to '%s'Add a new user:Add columnAdd new membersAdd pairAdd the %s Menu as a Mozilla SidebarAdd this to my calendarAdd to address book:Add to my address bookAdd userAdded '%s' to the system, but could not add additional signup information: %s.Added '%s' to the system. You can log in now.Adding users is disabled.Additional SettingsAddressAddress BookAdminister - set permissions for other usersAdministrationAktion AirportAlexandroupoli AirportAliasAlignAlignment:AllAll Authenticated UsersAll GroupsAll PermissionsAll four sidesAll of the followingAllow multiple addressesAllow setting of ordered list type?Already existsAlternate IMSP LoginAlternate IMSP PasswordAlternate IMSP UsernameAlternate email addressAlternate templatesAlternate text:An illegal value was specified.Anchialos AirportAndravida AirportAnonymous ProxyAnswerAnsweredAny of the followingApplicationApplication ListApplication is ready.Apply FiltersApply to Child SharesApproveAprilAraxos AirportArchive File SizeArchive NameAre you sure you want to delete this rule?Are you sure you want to remove the signup request for %s ?Are you sure you wish to delete '%s' and any sub-groups?ArtAscii ArtAsk for confirmation before doing maintenance operations?Assignment columnsAthinai AirportAttached is an iCalendar file reply to a request you sentAttempt to delete a non-existent group.Attempt to delete a non-existent permission.Attempt to edit a non-existent permission.Attempt to edit a non-existent share.AttendeesAttributesAugustAuthentication failedAuthentication failed. %sAuthentication rejected by RADIUS server.Authentication to FTP server failed.Automatically update the script after each change?Available fields:Awaiting ResponseBackgroundBackground ColorBad kerberos password.Bad kerberos username.BareBase graphics directory '%s' not found.BaselineBccBegins withBirthdayBlacklistBlacklist EditBlacklist is not supported in the current filtering driver.Blacklisted AddressBlacklisted AddressesBlock "%s" of application "%s" not found.Block SettingsBlock TypeBodyBoldBordersBothBottomBulleted ListCRL Distribution PointsCVSC_ell Properties...CalendarCalendar SummaryCalendar:CalmCan not reset password automatically, contact your administrator.Can't connect to IMAP server: %sCancelCancel Problem ReportCannot delete file "%s".Cannot find a temporary directory.Cannot proceed without 'targetFile' parameter.Cannot remove directory "%s".Cannot remove, %d children exist.Cannot reorder, number of entries supplied for reorder does not match number stored.Cannot route message to specified number.CaptionCase SensitiveCategories and LabelsCcCell PhoneCell PropertiesCell padding:Cell propertiesCell spacing:CellphoneCenterCertificate DetailsCertificate PoliciesChair PersonChangeChange PasswordChange the name and address that people see when they read and reply to your emails.Changes saved.CharChec_k Link...Check the box for any operation(s) you want to perform at this time.Chios AirportChoose Application:Choose a passwordChoose a usernameChoose an action:Choose how to display dates:Choose list style type (for ordered lists)Chrysoupoli AirportClass definition of %s not found.ClearClear MSOffice tagsClear out user: %sClear userClear user dataClick to ContinueClose HelpClose Help WindowClose WindowCollapse SidebarCollapsed bordersColorColor PickerColour selectionCols:Column titlesComicsCommandCommand ShellCommentCommon NameCompanyCompletedComposeCompose Message (%s)ComputersConditionsConfiguration DifferencesConfiguration for syncing with PDAs, Smartphones and Outlook.Configuration is out of date.Configuration needs updating.Configure %sConfirm PasswordConnection failed.Connection failed: Connection refused to the public keyserver.Connection refused to the public keyserver. Reason: %s (%s)Connection to FTP server failed.Contact SearchContacts were successfully added to your address book.ContainsContents of '%s'Contents of the RAR archiveContinueCopyCopy %sCopy of %sCopy selectionCould not PGP encrypt message.Could not PGP sign message.Could not S/MIME encrypt message.Could not S/MIME sign message.Could not add contact. %sCould not bind to LDAP server.Could not check balance. %sCould not connect to server '%s' using FTP: %sCould not create distribution list. %sCould not decrypt PGP data.Could not decrypt S/MIME data.Could not delete contact. %sCould not delete distribution list. %sCould not delete setup upgrade script '%s'.Could not determine the recipient's e-mail address.Could not fetch complete address book.Could not fetch complete distribution list.Could not fetch the complete list of distribution lists.Could not load strategy '%s'.Could not mkdir '%s'.Could not obtain public key from the keyserver.Could not open %s.Could not open '%s' for writing.Could not open Maintenance_Task module %sCould not open directory '%s'.Could not read %s.Could not reset the password for the requested user. Some or all of the details are not correct. Try again or contact your administrator if you need further help.Could not retrieve ACLCould not retrieve address book. %sCould not retrieve distribution list. %sCould not retrieve distribution lists. %sCould not retrieve server's capabilitiesCould not revert configuration.Could not rmdir '%s'.Could not save %s configuration.Could not save a backup configuation.Could not save a backup configuation: %sCould not save setup upgrade script to: '%s'.Could not save the backup configuration file %s.Could not save the configuration file %s. You can either use one of the options to save the code back on %s or copy manually the code below to %s.Could not search the LDAP server.Could not unlink '%s'.Could not update contact. %sCould not update distribution list. %sCould not write configuration for '%s': %sCouldn't find the Mozilla Sidebar. Make sure the sidebar is open.Couldn't give user '%s' the following rights for the folder '%s': %sCounted textCountryCoursesCreateCreate a linkCreate a new oneCreate new folderCreate sub foldersCreator PermissionsCredit card numberCreditsCurrent PhaseCurrent TimeCurrent URL isCurrent WeatherCurrent condition: Current styleCustomize tasks to run upon logon to %s.CutCut selectionDDDISABLEDDISABLED: DailyDataDataTree BrowserDatabase query failed.DateDate ReceivedDate selectionDayDe_lete ColumnDeactivate ScriptDecemberDecimal numbersDeclinedDecrease IndentDefaultDefault ColorDefault IdentityDefault PermissionsDefault permissionsDefinitionsDelegate positionDelegatedDeleteDelete %sDelete ConditionDelete GroupDelete PermissionDelete and purge messagesDelete cellDelete columnDelete existing alternate templateDelete message completelyDelete permissions for '%s'Delete permissions for '%s' and any sub-permissions?Delete rowDelete selected identityDelete the current columnDelete the current rowDelete this permission and any sub-permissions?DeletedDeleted setup upgrade script '%s'.Deliver into my INBOXDeliver into my INBOX and copy toDeliver into my INBOX and redirect toDeliver to folderDelivery timeDeny requestDeny request for free/busy informationDescribe the ProblemDescriptionDetails (also in Horde's logfile):Details have been logged for the administrator.DevelopmentDew PointDew Point for last hour: Dew point: Direction left to rightDirection right to leftDirectoryDisable %sDisabledDisplay 24-hour times?Display OptionsDisplay detailed notification when each filter is applied?Display forecast (TAF)Display formatDisposition NotificationDo _not send responses to bulk or list messagesDo not deleteDo not directly access maintenance.phpDo this:Does the first row contain the field names? If yes, check this box:Doesn't begin withDoesn't containDoesn't end withDoesn't existDoesn't match (with placeholders)DownloadDownload %sDownload generated configuration as PHP script.Drop down listDrugsDue _ByEditEdit %sEdit BlockEdit GroupEdit PermissionEdit PermissionsEdit Permissions for %sEdit options for:Edit permissions for %sEdit permissions for '%s'Elefsis AirportElement...EmailEmail AddressEmail addresses must match.Email with confirmationEmoticonsEmpty message.Empty result.Empty search termsEnable %sEnable insertion of images from Photo Galleries in text?Enable right click context menu?EnabledEndEnd yearEnds withEnlarge EditorEnter a security question which you will be asked if you need to reset your password, e.g. 'what is the name of your pet?':Enter the image URL hereEqual toErrorError sending reply: %s.Error with email message.Error writing '%s'.EthnicEuropeEvery 15 minutesEvery 2 minutesEvery 30 secondsEvery 5 minutesEvery LoginEvery half hourEvery minuteExample values:ExecuteExisting RulesExistsExpandExpand SidebarExpected "BEGIN" in the line %d.Expected "END:%s" in line %d.Expected ')'Expected bare word or quoted search termExpiration DateExponentFG ColorFTP upload of setupFailed retrieving preferences.Failed to connect to LDAP server.Failed to connect to SMB server.Failed to copy from "%s".Failed to copy to "%s".Failed to create new SASL connection.Failed to move to "%s".Failure in changing password for user %s from client %s, reason %sFairFatal Error:FaxFebruaryFeels LikeFeels like: Few ShowersFew Snow ShowersField matrixFile Count: %s fileFile Count: %s filesFile ManagerFile NameFile selectionFile uploadFile uploads not supported.Filter All MessagesFilter Only Seen MessagesFilter Only Unseen MessagesFilter OptionsFilter RuleFilter RulesFilter Script DisplayFilter _RulesFilter activity: %s message(s) have been copied to the folder "%s".Filter activity: %s message(s) have been deleted.Filter activity: %s message(s) have been moved to the folder "%s".Filter activity: %s message(s) that matched the blacklist were deleted.Filter activity: The message "%s" from "%s" has been copied to the folder "%s".Filter activity: The message "%s" from "%s" has been deleted.Filter activity: The message "%s" from "%s" has been moved to the folder "%s".Filter not found.FiltersFirst HalfFirst QuarterFix ratioFlipFloatFogFolder %s does not existFont ColorFoodFor an incoming message that matches:For browsers that don't support imagesForgot your password?FormsFortuneFortune typeFortunesFortunes 2ForumsForwardForward is not supported in the current filtering driver.ForwardsForwards EditFrFramesFree/Busy InformationFree/Busy ReplyFree/Busy RequestFree/Busy Request ResponseFromFrom the Full DescriptionFull Description:Full MoonFull NameGallery to take image fromGallery:Given NameGlobal OptionsGoGreater thanGreater than or equal toGreeceGreek (ISO-8859-7)Group AdministrationGroup names must be non-emptyGroup permissionsGroupsGuest PermissionsGuest permissionsGuestbookHTTP Authentication not found.HeightHelpHelp using editorHelperHemisphereHeraklion AirportHere is the beginning of the file:HighHistory entry names must be non-emptyHo_meHomeHome AddressHome PhoneHordeHorde LoginHorde SystemHorde WirelessHorde is not properly configuredHorizontal RuleHorizontal paddingHorizontal:How did you get here? (Please report!)How many columns would you like to merge?How many fields (columns) are there?How many rows would you like to merge?HumidityHumidity: HumoristsIMAP mailbox creation failed: %sIMAP mailbox deletion failed: %sIMAP mailbox quota creation failed: %sINBOXIP AddressIP Address not available.IP Address not within allowed CIDR block.IP lockdown violation.I_nboxI_nsert Row BeforeIcons OnlyIcons for %sIcons with textIdentity's name:If it is not displayed correctly, %s to open it in a new window.If you don't see any icons using Internet Explorer, you may need to check this box to turn off PNG transparency.If you see this message but no image, the image you want to upload can't be displayed by your browser.Image Preview:Image URLImage from galleryImage from gallery:Image uploadImagesImportImport Error: Import, Step %dImportantImported field: %sImported fields:In ProcessIn_sert Row AfterIncorrect action code given.Incorrect username and/or password.Incorrect username or alternate address. Try again or contact your administrator if you need further help.Increase IndentIndividual UsersIndividual rules are not supported in the current filtering driver.Inexistant mailbox specified for message delivery.InfoInformationInsert C_olumn AfterInsert ImageInsert TableInsert Web LinkInsert _Column BeforeInsert a new column after the current oneInsert a new column before the current oneInsert a new row after the current oneInsert a new row before the current oneInsert a paragraph after the current nodeInsert a paragraph before the current nodeInsert alternate templateInsert an email address to which you can receive the new password:Insert cell afterInsert cell beforeInsert column afterInsert column beforeInsert messagesInsert paragraph afterInsert paragraph beforeInsert row afterInsert row beforeInsert the required answer to the security question:Insert/Modify ImageInsert/Modify LinkInsufficient credit to send to the distribution list.Insufficient credit.IntegerInteger listInvalid Action selected for this component.Invalid UDH. (User Data Header).Invalid application.Invalid batch ID.Invalid data submitted.Invalid destination address.Invalid file formatInvalid msg_type.Invalid or missing api_id.Invalid or missing parameters.Invalid parent permission.Invalid protocol.Invalid recipient: '%s'Invalid share objectInvalid source address.Invalid unicode data.InventoryIsIsn'tItalicJanuaryJulyJuneJustifyJustify CenterJustify FullJustify LeftJustify RightKalamata AirportKarpathos AirportKastoria AirportKeep original?Kefalhnia AirportKerberos server rejected authentication.Kerkyra AirportKernel NewbiesKey CreationKey FingerprintKey LengthKey TypeKey UsageKey already exists on the public keyserver.KidsKos AirportKozani AirportLa_youtLarisa AirportLast HalfLast QuarterLast Updated:Last login: %sLast login: %s from %sLast login: NeverLawLayoutLeave empty for no borderLeftLeft headerLeft valuesLess thanLess than or equal toLimerickLimnos AirportLinkLink points to:Link the email address to the compose page when displayingLinksLinux CookieList - user can see the folderList DatabasesList Help TopicsList TablesList-IDListing users is disabled.Loading...Local time: Locale and TimeLocationLog inLog outLogin TasksLogin failed for some reason. Most likely your username or password was entered incorrectly.Login failed.LogoutLong textLoveLowLower greek lettersLower latin lettersLower roman numbersMMMagicMailMail AdminMake lin_k...Manage the list of categories you have to label items with, and colors associated with those categories.ManualMap Date and Time FieldsMap Import FieldsMar_k message as deletedMarchMarginMark message as:Mark with Seen/Unseen flagsMark with other flags (e.g. Important/Answered)Matches (with placeholders)Matching fieldsMax allowed credit.Max message parts exceeded.Max temp last 24 hours: Max temp last 6 hours: Maximum lengthMaximum number of blacklisted addresses exceeded (Total addresses: %s, Maximum addresses: %s). Could not add new addresses to blacklist.Maximum number of whitelisted addresses exceeded (Total addresses: %s, Maximum addresses: %s). Could not add new addresses to whitelist.MayMeeting CancellationMeeting InformationMeeting ProposalMeeting ReplyMeeting UpdateMeeting Update RequestMembersMemosMenu mode:Merge cellsMessageMessage Verified Successfully but the signer's certificate could not be verified.Message expired.Message typeMetar WeatherMetar block not available.Metar block not available. Details have been logged for the administrator.MethodMethod '%s' is not definedMetricMiddleMime TypeMin temp last 24 hours: Min temp last 6 hours: MirrorMiscellaneousMissing PEAR package HTTP_Request.Missing address to redirect message toMissing configuration. You have to generate it now if you want to use this application.Missing message ID.Missing reason for rejectMissing reason in vacation.Missing required PEAR package Mail.Missing session ID.MoMobile MailModerateModified DateModify URLMonth ViewMonth and yearMonthlyMonthly Events ListMoon PhasesMoveMove DownMove LeftMove RightMove Rule DownMove Rule UpMove UpMove downMove upMulti-level drop down listsMultiple selectionMy AccountMy PortalMy Portal LayoutMy SummaryMytilini AirportNO, I Do NOT AgreeN_umber of days between vacation replies:NameNeeds ActionNetworkNeverNew CategoryNew MoonNew PasswordNew Password (again)New RuleNew Username (optional)New window (_blank)NewsNewsgroupsNextNext PageNext PhaseNext optionsNoNo '%s' element found in backend configuration.No available configuration data to show differences for.No available strategy for making ISO images.No backend configured for this hostNo backends configured in backends.phpNo batch template.No block exists at the requested positionNo calendar name provided for MCAL authentication.No change.No child permissions are to be added below this level.No children can be added to this permission.No configuration information specified for %s.No configuration information specified for FTP VFS.No configuration information specified for LDAP Preferences.No configuration information specified for SQL Categories.No configuration information specified for SQL Preferences.No configuration information specified for SQL VFS.No configuration information specified for SQL authentication.No configuration information specified for SQL-File VFS.No credit left.No destination supplied.No file uploadedNo filters. Click '%s' to create a new filter.No headers specifiedNo icons found.No location is set.No message supplied.No name specified.No number specified.No offensive fortunesNo pending signups.No preferences are available.No rulesNo script generated.No sidesNo strings specifiedNo temporary directory available for cache.No username and/or password sent.No valid XML data returnedNo valuesNo version found in original configuration. Regenerate configuration.No version found in your configuration. Regenerate configuration.Non ParticipantNoneNone (use implicit)Northern HemisphereNot AfterNot BeforeNot a directoryNot equal toNot implemented.Not setNot supported.NotesNotes SummaryNotes is an application which allows you to create the computer equivalent of sticky notes. Notes can be created, modified, deleted, and printed. You can also search on your notes to locate information. Support for importing and exporting notes is also available.Notes:Nothing to browse, go back.NoticeNotification listener %s not found.NovemberNumberNumber of charactersNumber of columnsNumber of columns in the summary view:Number of rowsNumbers not specified for updating in distribution list.ObjectObject CreatorObject creator permissionsOctalOctoberOffense filterOfficeOld PasswordOnly IMAP servers support shared folders.Only offensive fortunesOnly one email address allowed.Only the owner or system administrator may change ownership or owner permissions for a shareOpen in a new windowOpenSSL error: Could not extract data from signed S/MIME part.Opens this link in a new windowOperating SystemOptional ParticipantOptionsOptions about script updating.Options forOptions for %sOrdered ListOrganisationOrganisational UnitOrganizingOriginal application templateOriginal templates in %s:OtherOther InformationOther OptionsOwner PermissionsPAM authentication is not available.PGP Digital SignaturePGP Encrypted DataPGP Public KeyPGP Signed/Encrypted DataPHP CodePHP ShellP_HP ShellPaddingPasswordPassword changed for user %s from client %sPassword incorrectPassword required for RADIUS authentication.Password with confirmationPassword:Password: Passwords must match.Past Events ListPastePaste from clipboardPathPending Signups:PeoplePercentPerform Maintenance OperationsPerform maintenance operations on login?PermissionPermission '%s' not deleted.Permissions AdministrationPermissions forPersonal InformationPetsPhonePhotosPixelsPlatitudesPlease click into some cellPlease confirm that you want to remove this element:Please confirm that you want to unlink this element.Please enter a month and a year.Please enter a name for the new category:Please enter a valid IP address.Please enter a valid date, check the number of days in the month.Please enter a valid time.Please enter the name of the new folder:Please provide a new passwordPlease provide a summary of the problem.Please provide your passwordPlease provide your usernamePlease provide your username and passwordPlease provide your username with @domainPlease read the following text. You MUST agree with the terms to use the system.Please review the following information, and then select an action from the menu below.Please select an action from the menu below.Please type the new category name:Please verify your new passwordPositioning of this imagePositioning of this tablePost to this folder (not enforced by IMAP)Precede your signature with dashes ('-- ')?Precipitation for last %s hour(s): Prefs_ldap: Required LDAP extension not found.Prefs_session: Required session extension not found.PresentationsPressurePressure at sea level: Pressure: PreviewPreview the image in a new windowPrevious PagePrevious optionsPrint documentPrivate KeyProblemProblem DescriptionProjectsPrompt textPublic KeyPublic Key AlgorithmPublic/Private keypair not generated successfully.QueryRSA Public Key (%d bit)R_easonRadio selectionRandom FortuneRatioReadRead messagesReally delete %s? This operation cannot be undone.Really remove user data for user %s? This operation cannot be undone.ReceivedRedirect toRedoes your last actionRefresh Dynamic Menu Elements:Refresh Portal View:Refresh Summary View:RegexRegular expressionReject with reasonRelationship BrowserRemarksRemember the free/busy information.Remote ServersRemote URL (http://www.example.com/horde):RemoveRemove BlockRemove columnRemove formattingRemove from my calendarRemove pairRemove saved script from server's temporary directory.Remove theRemove this node from the documentRemove userRemove user: %sReply Sent.Reply with Not Supported MessageReply with free/busy for next 2 months.Reply with requested free/busy information.Reply: %sRequest couldn't be answered. Returned errorcode: Required '%s' not specified in %s configuration.Required '%s' not specified in VFS configuration.Required '%s' not specified in configuration.Required 'basedn' not specified in authentication configuration.Required 'basedn' not specified in preferences configuration.Required 'database' not specified in authentication configuration.Required 'database' not specified in categories configuration.Required 'database' not specified in preferences configuration.Required 'hostspec' not specified in authentication configuration.Required 'hostspec' not specified in categories configuration.Required 'hostspec' not specified in preferences configuration.Required 'password' not specified in authentication configuration.Required 'password' not specified in categories configuration.Required 'password' not specified in preferences configuration.Required 'phptype' not specified in authentication configuration.Required 'phptype' not specified in categories configuration.Required 'phptype' not specified in preferences configuration.Required 'table' not specified in authentication configuration.Required 'table' not specified in categories configuration.Required 'table' not specified in preferences configuration.Required 'uid' not specified in authentication configuration.Required 'uid' not specified in preferences configuration.Required 'username' not specified in authentication configuration.Required 'username' not specified in categories configuration.Required 'username' not specified in preferences configuration.Required FieldRequired ParticipantResent ToResent-fromResetReset PasswordReset Your PasswordResultsReturn to Filters ListReturn to OptionsReturn to Rules ListReturn to mailReunionRevert ConfigurationRhodes AirportRich Text Editor OptionsRiddlesRightRight headerRight valuesRo_w Properties...RoleRotate 180Rotate LeftRotate RightRow PropertiesRow propertiesRows:RuleRule CopiedRule DeletedRule DisabledRule EnabledRule NameRulesRules will appear between all rows and columnsRules will appear between columns onlyRules will appear between rows onlyRunS/MIME Cryptographic SignatureS/MIME Encrypted MessageSASL authentication is not available.SMS MessagingSQL ShellSUCCESSS_QL ShellSaSame frame (_self)Samos AirportSatellite ProviderSaveSave %sSave '%s'Save OptionsSave SettingsSave generated configuration as a PHP script to your server's temporary directory.Saved %s configuration.Saved setup upgrade script to: '%s'.ScienceScriptScript UpdatingScript not updated.Script successfully activated.Script successfully deactivated.SearchSearch EnginesSearch MailSearch ResultsSeenSelect FilesSelect a dateSelect a fieldSelect a group to addSelect a new ownerSelect a serverSelect a user to addSelect all date components.Select an objectSelect target folderSelect the characters you need from the boxes below. You can then copy and paste them from the textarea.Select the date delimiter:Select the date format:Select the identity you want to change:Select the time delimiter:Select the time format:Select two matching fields.Select your color scheme.Select your preferred language:Self-Defined HeaderSend Latest InformationSend Problem ReportSend SMSSenderSensor: SeptemberSerial NumberSession ID expired.SetSet options to allow you to reset your password if you ever forget it.Set up remote servers that you want to access from your portal.Set your page refreshing, and other display options.Set your preferred display language.Set your preferred language, timezone and date options.Set your startup application, color scheme, page refreshing, and other display options.Settings successfully updated.SetupSetup upgrade scripts availableSeveral locations possible with the parameter: ShoppingShort SummaryShort Summary:Should access keys be defined for most links?ShowShow Active ScriptShow Current ScriptShow differences between currently saved and the newly generated configuration.Show last login time when logging in?Show option to keep originalShow pickerShow table operations menu bar?Show the %s Menu on the left?Show the Table Cell Properties dialogShow the Table Properties dialogShow the Table Row Properties dialogShow the image properties dialogShow uploadShrinkShrink or move neighbouring block(s) out of the way firstSign upSign up if not registeredSignatureSignature AlgorithmSizeSkip MaintenanceSome of Horde's configuration files are missing:Sort order selectionSouda AirportSource addressSouthern HemisphereSpace between adjacent cellsSpace between content and border in cellSpacerSpacingSpacing and paddingSpamSpecial Character InputSplit cellSplit columnSplit rowSportsStartStart yearState or ProvinceStatusStop checking if this rule matches?Storage formatStreet AddressStrikethroughString listStrip domain from the addressStyle [CSS]SuSubdirectory '%s' not found.Subje_ct of vacation message:SubjectSubject Public Key InfoSubmitSubmitted request to add '%s' to the system. You can not log in until your request has been approved.SubscriptSuccessSuccessfully added '%s' to the system.Successfully cleared data for user '%s' from the system.Successfully deleted '%s'.Successfully removed '%s' from the system.Successfully reverted configuration. Reload to see changes.Successfully saved backup configuration.Successfully saved the backup configuration file %s.Successfully updated '%s'Successfully wrote %sSummarySun RiseSun SetSunriseSunrise/SunsetSunrise: SunsetSunset: SuperscriptSupportSurnameSync log deletedSyncMLSyntax error in search termsTableTable PropertiesTable propertiesTanagra AirportTarget:TasksTatoi AirportTelephone NumberTemp for last hour: TemperatureTemperature: Template '%s' not found.Template AdministrationTentatively Accept requestTentatively AcceptedTextText OnlyText alignTexttopThThank you for using the system.The FTP extension is not available.The Horde/Kolab integration engine does not support "%s"The Maintenance:: class did not load successfullyThe Options window has closed. Exiting.The address "%s" has been added to your whitelist.The administrator needs to configure a permanent Permissions backend if you want to use Permissions.The bottom side onlyThe calendar data is invalidThe contact ID number was not specified, left blank or was not found in the database.The contact was successfully added to your address book.The detached PGP signature block is required to verify the signed message.The distribution list ID was either not specified, left blank or not found in the database.The distribution list was not specified.The driver said: The encryption features require a secure web connection.The event has been added to your calendar.The file %s should contain a %s setting.The file %s should contain some %s settings.The file can not be copied onto itself.The file contained no data.The following are the headers for this message/rfc822 message.The full screen mode is known to cause problems with Internet Explorer, due to browser bugs that we weren't able to workaround. You might experience garbage display, lack of editor functions and/or random browser crashes. If your system is Windows 9x it's very likely that you'll get a 'General Protection Fault' and need to reboot.\n\nYou have been warned. Please press OK if you still want to try the full screen editor.The identity "%s" has been deleted.The left-hand side onlyThe location of the GnuPG binary must be given to the Crypt_pgp:: class.The mailbox trash is already empty.The message sent on %s to %s with subject "%s" has been displayed. This is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood.The name to use when linking to the compose pageThe openssl module is required for the Horde_Crypt_smime:: class.The preference "%s" could not be saved because its data exceeded the maximum allowable sizeThe program used to view this message type (%s) was not found on the system.The registry is how Horde applications find out how to talk to each other. You should list any installed Horde applications that you have here.The right and left sides onlyThe right-hand side onlyThe server "%s" has been deleted.The server "%s" has been saved.The signup request for %s has been removed.The specified row does not exist.The task has been added to your tasklist.The temporary file "%s" does not exist.The top and bottom sides onlyThe top side onlyThe uploaded data was lost since the previous step.The uploaded file could not be saved.The user's free/busy information was sucessfully stored.Themes directory '%s' not found.There are no options available.There are no parts that can be displayed inline.There are too many characters in this field. You have entered %s characters; you must enter less than %s.There was a problem adding '%s' to the system. %s.There was a problem adding '%s' to the system: %sThere was a problem clearing data for user '%s' from the system: There was a problem removing '%s' from the system: There was a problem updating '%s': %sThere was a problem with the file upload: No %s was uploaded.There was a problem with the file upload: The %s was larger than the maximum allowed size (%d bytes).There was a problem with the file upload: The %s was only partially uploaded.There was an error activating the script.There was an error deactivating the script.There was an error displaying this message partThere was an error importing the contact data.There was an error importing the event: %s.There was an error importing the iCalendar data.There was an error importing the task: %s.There was an error importing user's free/busy information: %s.There was an error in the configuration form. Perhaps you left out a required field.There was an error performing the specified address book function. Please try again later.There was an error updating the contact details. Please try again later.There was an error updating the distribution list. Please try again later.Thessaloniki AirportThis IMAP server does not support sharing folders.This action is not supported.This action is not yet implemented.This does not appear to be a valid rar archive.This does not appear to be a valid zip file.This does not seem to be a valid card number.This driver allows sending of messages through the Clickatell (http://clickatell.com) gateway, using the HTTP APIThis driver allows sending of messages through the sms2email (http://sms2email.com) gateway, using the HTTP APIThis driver allows sending of messages via SMTP through the Vodafone Italy gateway, only to Vodafone numbers. It requires an email account with Vodafone Italy (http://www.190.it).This field is required.This field may only contain integers.This field may only contain numbers and the colon.This field may only contain octal values.This field must be a comma or space separated list of integersThis field must be a valid number.This field must contain a color code in the RGB Hex format, for example '#1234af'.This file controls the global set of MIME drivers for the Horde framework, allowing applications to make use of programs such as enscript or mswordview to render content into HTML for viewing in a browser.This file controls the stylesheet that is used to set colors and fonts for the Horde framework and all applications that do not provide their own settings.This file maps file extensions to logical MIME types, enabling Horde applications to figure out how to handle some content such as email attachments or CVS checkouts.This form has already been processed.This is %s.This is a Kolab Groupware object. To view this object you will need an email client that understands the Kolab Groupware format. For a list of such email clients please visit %sThis is the main Horde configuration file. It contains paths and basic items that apply to the core framework and all Horde applications.This message was written in a character set (%s) other than your own.This number must be at least one.This problem report was received from %s. The user clicked the problem report link from the following location:%s and is using the following browser:%sThis server can't uncompress zip and gzip files.This system is currently deactivated.This value must be a number.TicketsTimeTime TrackingTime formatTime selectionTitleTitle (tooltip):ToTo select multiple items, hold down the Control (PC) or Command (Mac) key while clicking.TodayToggle HTML SourceTomorrowTopTop frame (_top)TranslationsTripolis AirportTrue or falseTuType mismatch.Type your choice: URLURL for your script delivery status reportURL:Unable to access VFS directory.Unable to add extra user information when signing up.Unable to change permission for VFS file "%s".Unable to change permission for VFS file %s/%s.Unable to change to %s.Unable to connect to SQL server.Unable to connect with SSL.Unable to copy VFS file.Unable to create VFS directory "%s".Unable to create VFS directory.Unable to create VFS file.Unable to create empty VFS file.Unable to decompress data.Unable to delete "%s", the directory is not empty.Unable to delete %s, the directory is not emptyUnable to delete '%s': %s.Unable to delete VFS directory recursively.Unable to delete VFS directory.Unable to delete VFS directory: %s.Unable to delete VFS file "%s".Unable to delete VFS file.Unable to delete VFS recursively: %s.Unable to determine current directory.Unable to extract certificate detailsUnable to load the definition of %s.Unable to move VFS file.Unable to open VFS file "%s".Unable to open VFS file for writing.Unable to open VFS file.Unable to open compressed archive.Unable to read the vfsroot directory.Unable to register preferences in session.Unable to rename %s to %s: destination folder already existsUnable to rename VFS directory.Unable to rename VFS directory: %s.Unable to rename VFS file "%s".Unable to rename VFS file %s/%s.Unable to rename VFS file.Unable to run 'mkisofs'.Unable to translate this Word documentUnable to write VFS file "%s".Unable to write VFS file (copy() failed).Unable to write VFS file data.UnderlineUndo ChangesUndoes your last actionUnexpected end of file.Unexpected response from server on connection: Unexpected response from server to: UnfiledUnhandled component of type: %sUnitsUnknownUnknown apimsgid (API Message ID).Unknown climsgid (Client Message ID).Unknown username or password.Unlink the current elementUnnamedUnprivileged scripts cannot access Cut/Copy/Paste programatically for security reasons. Click OK to see a technical note at mozilla.org which shows you how to allow a script to access the clipboard.Unset colorUnsupported ExtensionUpdateUpdate %sUpdate respondent statusUpdate userUpdated '%s'.Upgrade script deleted.UploadUploaded all application setup files to the server.Upper latin lettersUpper roman numbersUse Current: %sUse Default ValueUse SSLUse if name/password is different for IMSP server.User %s is not authorised for %s.User AdministrationUser OptionsUser RegistrationUser Registration has been disabled for this site.User password changeUser permissionsUsernameUsername '%s' already exists.Username:Username: UsersUsers in the system:VFS directory does not exist.VacationVacation EditVacation MessageVacation is not supported in the current filtering driver.Valid locations found include: ValidityValue in minutes from now.ValuesValues to select fromVariableVerification failed - this message may have been tampered with.VersionVersion ControlVertical alignVertical paddingVertical:Very HighView %sView an external web pageView as %sView eventView taskVisibilityVisibility: Vodafone Italy via SMTPWARNWARNING!!! REMOVE SCRIPT MANUALLY FROM %s.WarningWeWeeklyWelcomeWelcome to %sWelcome, %sWh_itelist addresses:What application should %s display after login?What application should Horde display after login?What is the delimiter character?What is the quote character?Which phasesWhich plugins to enable for the Rich Text editor.WhitelistWhitelist EditWhitelist is not supported in the current filtering driver.Whitelisted AddressesWidthWidth in CSS unitsWidth of the %s menu on the left (takes effect on next log-in):Width of the tableWidth unitWidth:Wind speed in knotsWind:Wind: WisdomWishlistsWorkWork AddressWork PhoneX-PriorityX-RefX-Spam-LevelX-Spam-ScoreX-Spam-StatusX509v3 Basic ConstraintsX509v3 Extended Key UsageX509v3 Subject Alternative NameX509v3 Subject Key IdentifierX509v3 extensionsYYYYYYYearlyYesYes, I AgreeYou are in TEXT MODE. Use the [<>] button to switch back to WYSIWYG.You are not authenticated.You can not have the '\' character in your full name.You did not enter a valid email address.You didn't map any fields from the imported file to the corresponding fields in %s.You have been logged out.You have been logged out.
Thank you for using the system.You have to enter a valid value.You must configure a DataTree backend to use Signups.You must configure a VFS backend.You must describe the problem before you can send the problem report.You must enter the URL where this link points toYou must select an server to be deleted.You must specify a username to clear out.You must specify a username to remove.You must specify at least one email address for which the vacation messages should be activated.You must specify the username to add.You must specify the username to update.You must specify what action to perform.You must type a new category name.Your %s session has expired. Please login again.Your Email AddressYour Email Address:Your From: address:Your InformationYour Internet Address has changed since the beginning of your %s session. To protect your security, you must login again.Your NameYour authentication backend does not support adding users, or the feature has been disabled for some other reason.Your authentication backend does not support listing users, or the feature has been disabled for some other reason.Your browser appears to have changed since the beginning of your %s session. To protect your security, you must login again.Your browser does not support this feature.Your browser does not support this print option. Press Control/Option + P to print.Your current time zone:Your default identity:Your full name:Your new password for %s is: %sYour options have been updated for the duration of this session.Your options have been updated.Your password has been resetYour password has been reset, check your email and log in with your new password.Your passwords do not matchYour remote servers:[Hide Quoted Text][No Subject][Problem Report][Show Quoted Text -[Show Quoted Text - %s lines][line %s of %s]_Address(es) to forward to:_Addresses to not send responses to:_Administration_Blacklist_Delete Row_Delete message completely_Enter each address on a new line:_Forward_Groups_Help_Image Properties..._Keep a copy of messages in this account?_Log in_Log out_Modify Link..._Move message to folder:_My email addresses:_Options_Permissions_Remove Link..._Script_Setup_Table Properties..._Users_Vacation_Whitelistaddress bookandcalendarcalmclick herefieldfilefrom the %s (%s) at %s %sh:immediateinlinelines]matchmkisofs error code %d while making ISO.namenot implementednot yet implementednotepadorpercentpixelsprocmail script generated by Ingoshow differencessieve filter generated by Ingosms2email via HTTPsteadytask listtrashtype the password twice to confirmunifiedunnameduser selectvCardProject-Id-Version: Ingo 0.1-cvs Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: dev@lists.horde.org POT-Creation-Date: 2005-01-13 11:57+0100 PO-Revision-Date: 2005-01-07 22:36+0100 Last-Translator: Konstantinos C. Milosis Language-Team: i18n@lists.horde.org MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-7 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); '' . — %s . ( %s ) ( %s) ( %s ) () () () %d %s %s%d- %s - %s-%s %s - %s-%s %s %s .%s %s %s%s %s.%s .%s %s.%s .%s %s %s .%s %s.%s %s %s%s %s.%s %s.%s %s.%s's %s's %ss %ss '%s' .'%s' registry Horde%s .'%s' .'%s' .'%s' : %s., gusting %s %s, %s %s-- --12 24 24 : PGP . PGP . , PGP - . , PGP - . , S/MIME - . , S/MIME - . S/MIME ./ ... VFS . VFS . . : (script) (child permission) : '%s' (permission) '%s' : %s Mozilla : '%s' , '%s' . . . - : (4) ; IMSP IMSP IMSP email : . . . (Proxy) . ; %s ? '%s' ?ASCII ; . . . . . %s RADIUS server. FTP-Server . (script) ; : Kerberos-. Kerberos- . '%s' . . . "%s" "%s" . CRL (CVS) ... : , IMAP-Server: %s "%s". (temp dir). "targetFile". "%s". , %d . , , . . / . : : . ... () . : : : ( ) %s. (tags) MS-Office'' : %s : Comics (%s) PDAs, Outlook.Die Konfiguration muss aktualisiert werden. . %s . : . . : %s (%s) FTP-Server . . '%s' RAR %s %s PGP. PGP. S/MIME. S/MIME. . %s LDAP-Server. . %s '%s' FTP: %s . %s PGP . S/MIME . . %s . %s setup upgrade script '%s' . . . . . "%s". "%s". .. %s. "%s" . %s "%s". %s. . . - . (ACL) . %s . %s . %s . (rmdir) "%s". %s . . : %s '%s'. %s. %s. - %s %s. LDAP. "%s". . %s . %s '%s': %s Mozilla. . '%s' '%s': %s URL : %s. : (Browser) DataTree . (Script) %s '%s' '%s' -; -; setup upgrade script '%s'. (INBOX) (INBOX) () ( Horde): . : : %s 24 ; ; (TAF) maintenance.php : ; : ( ) %s PHP-script. - %s Block %s : %s '%s' ... Email Email . . . %s Photo Calleriew ; ; , - , .. ' ;': : %s email. "%s". 15 2 30 5 : "BEGIN" %d. "END:%s" %d. ')' FTP upload . . SMB-Server. "%s". "%s". SASL. "%s". %s %s, %s : : : %s : %s '' '' . (script) : %s () "%s". : %s () . : %s () "%s". : %s () . : "%s" "%s" "%s". : "%s" "%s" . : "%s" "%s" "%s". . FlipFloat %s : Browsers, ; 2Forums . : Gallery Gallery: (ISO-8859-7) Guest GuestGuestbook HTTP . : 'Horde''Horde' 'Horde' '': ; ( !) ; () ; ;: IMAP : %s IMAP : %s (quota) IMAP : %sIP-IP- .IP- CIDR-Block.- IP. %s : , %s . Internet Explorer, PNG. , browser . :URL Gallery Gallery: : , %d : %s : . / . . . . (mailbox) . Web email : :/ / . . ' . UDH. (User Data Header). . Batch-ID. . . msg_type. api_id. .Invalid parent permission. . : '%s' . Unicode. ; Kerberos-Server . Kernel . : : %s : %s %s : : ;Linux-CookieList - (ID) .... : . . . Email ... . : / (.. /) ( ) . . 24 : 6 : ( : %s, : %s). . ( : %s, : %s). . : , . . MetarMetar block not available.Metar block not available. Details have been logged for the administrator. '%s' Mime Type 24 : 6 : Missing PEAR package HTTP_Request. configuration. - . ID . ' 'Missing required PEAR package Mail. ID .Email URL () (portal) (portal) : , '': () () () (newsgroups) '%s' backend. configuration . ISO images. backend backends in backends.php Batch. Block MCAL. . ' . . %s. FTP VFS. . SQL. SQL. SQL VFS. SQL. SQL-File VFS. . . . '%s', . . . . . . . . (script). (strings) cache. / . XML configuration. . configuration. . ( ) . . - . , , . . - .: , . %s . : . IMAP-Servers . Email . . OpenSSL-: S/MIME . (scripts) %s e %s: PAM . PGP PGP PGP/ PGP PHP PHP PHP %s %s RADIUS. :: . clipboard : ; '%s' . : . . : IP . , . . : . (@ermis.ydt) . . . . : ( IMAP) ('--'); %s (): Prefs_ldap: LDAP.Prefs_session: . : : (project) / . RSA (%d Bit) %s; . %s; . : Portal: :Regex . (http://www.example.com/horde): script . : %s . . . .: %s . : '%s' %s configuration. '%s' VFS configuration. '%s' configuration. 'basedn' . 'basedn' . 'database' . 'database' . 'database' . 'hostspec' . 'hostspec' . 'hostspec' . 'password' . 'password' . 'password' . 'phptype' . 'phptype' . 'phptype' . 'table' . 'table' . 'table' . 'uid' . 'uid' . 'username' . 'username' . 'username' . - (Resent-from) Configuration ... 180 : S/MIME S/MIME SASL . SMSSQL S_QL (_self) %s '%s' configuration PHP Script . %s configuration. script setup : '%s'. (Script) (Script) (script) . (script) . (script) . . . . : : : : : . ''. : SMS: ID . , . . . . , . , , . . Scripts : : ; (Scripts) (script) configuration. ; ; %s ; (upload) - - . Horde : Spam ; - domain [CSS] '%s' . : ' ' '%s' . . '%s' . '%s' . '%s'. '%s' . . . configuration. configuration %s. '%s' %s - /: : SyncML : : : '%s' . . FTP . Horde/Kolab "%s":: . . "%" . , . ID , . . PGP . ID , . . (driver) : WEB. . %s %s . %s %s . . . /rfc822 . Internet Explorer, (bugs) browser, . '' , browser . Window 9x ' ' (reboot).\n\ . . "%s" . GnuPG Crypt_pgp:: . '' . %s %s %s . . . OpenSSL Horde_Crypt_smime:: . "%s" (%s) . registry Horde . . Horde . "%s" . "%s" . %s . . . "%s" . . . . '%s' . . . . %s , %s. '%s' . %s. '%s' : %s. '%s' : '%s' : '%s': %s : %s. : %s (%d Bytes). : %s. (script). (script). . . : %s. . : %s. : %s. . . . .Bei der Aktualisierung der Kontaktdetails ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es spter noch einmal. . . IMAP . . . rar. zip. . Clickatell-(http://clickatell.com) HTTP-API. sms2email-(http://sms2mail.com) HTTP-API. SMTP Vodafone-Italy Vodafone. email Vodafone Italy (http://www.190.it). . . (:). . . RGB , .. '#1234af'. MIME drivers email . Horde, . , mail . . %s. Kolab Groupware object. email . %s 'Horde'. . (%s) . . %s.
%s browser:
%s zip gzip . . . (Tooltip): , Control (PC) Command (Mac) , . HTML (_top) . : : VFS . . VFS "%s". VFS %s/%s. %s. SQL. SSL. VFS . VFS "%s". VFS. VFS . VFS . . "%s", . %s, '%s': %s. VFS (recursively). VFS.Das VFS-Verzeichnis konnte nicht gelscht werden: %s. VFS "%s". VFS . VFS (recursively): %s. . %s. VFS . VFS "%s". VFS . VFS . . VFS (vfsroot). . %s %s: VFS . VFS : %s. VFS "%s". VFS %s/%s. VFS . "mkisofs". Word VFS "%s". VFS (copy() ). VFS . . : : : %sUnknown apimsgid (API Message ID).Unknown climsgid (Client Message ID). . // . mozilla.org clipboard %s '%s' . . . - : %s SSL / . %s %s. ' site. '%s' . : : : VFS . . : . - . : %s %s :Vodafone SMTP!!! %s. %s, %s : %s ; ; ; ; . . CSS %s ( ): : :: X-RefX-Spam-LevelX-Spam-ScoreX-Spam-StatusX509v3 X509v3 X509v3 X509v3 X509v3 , . [<>] WYSIWIG. . '\' . email. %s. . .
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